Viewing conversation between Kane and Jitesh. This conversation has been viewed 931 times.
what happened after an explosion at a french cheese factory?
Haha thats new! I dunno?
All that was left was de brie
Did you google the answer? 😏😉
😂 indeed i did!
Very cheesy i see
Thats cheating 😉
I know that cheese jokes arent that mature but i thought it would be funny
Give me your best line and ill see if i can answer it without cheating 😉
Do you live on a chicken farm?
No why? 😂
Because you sure know how to raise a cock 😉😂
Are you implying you have a cock?🙈😂
😂 i do have a cock
Ohhh 🙈😂
Are you an archaelogist?
No why?
Because i got a bone for you to examine ;) 😂
Im sorry but if you do actually have a cock
I aint about that life
Haha banter !
Ffs 😂🙈
I do actually have a cock but tinder is purely banter
Oh fair enough
Haha why so shy 😂
Like i said
I aint about that life
About the cock life?
What life are you about :p
Pussy is the best life
Yeah it is
Especially when its not cheesy
Ewww haha
Haha not the best of images to put into your head
Not at all haha
Lol you at uni?
Nice what uni?
You should do porn
Why should i do porn? Haha
Make money
Nah it'd be to easy
What dya mean
Haha just would :p
Im gonna finish uni instead of being a pornstar 😂
Easy in what way?
The job is just sex , easy haha
Haha i do a bit of both
You're a pornstar? Haha
Ive done a porno yeah
What did you do? Boy/girl, girl/girl? Etc
Just boy / girl
She was 44
Haha nice so you're a boy
Wasnt that obvious?