Viewing conversation between Tom and James. This conversation has been viewed 1977 times.
Are you real?
No I don't actually exist. I'm just a 60 year old man pretending to be a 21 year old called James in the hope of picking up girls.
Hahah well that what i was hoping for to be honest. I mean who wants to talk to attractive girl when you can talk to old men 😍
Exactly my thought process as well haha. Take it you're real then? 👀
Unfortunately yes, so I'm guessing this isn't James then 😄
Well I was kind of joking about the 60 year old man thing, so unfortunately, yes I am 21 year old James 😁
Well since you're another guy I guess we should talk about manly like sports and cars then 😉
Or we could talk about how good the body of the girl in the picture is 😍
Haha sport and cars are good, but the body is better 😉
Definitely! Yeah she looks like shed be a great fuck 😉
Haha she does, but I wouldn't know, you'd have to ask someone else about that 😜
Its a real she I Can't talk to her, I'd love to tell her the things we could do together
Because that's what men talk about 😉
I wonder if she's flexible omg